• Biopolymers          • Naturally Sourced          • Economical          • Compostable

Greenomers' Life Cycle

Our biopolymers are backyard compostable. But what does that mean? Today many plastic alternatives claim to be ‘biodegradable’ or ‘compostable’. However, as per the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States of America:

  • For a product to be considered biodegradable, it must completely degrade in the environment it is conventionally disposed in (eg. landfills, water bodies etc.) within ONE YEAR without leaving behind any harmful residues
  • For something to be considered compostable, it must completely degrade in specific soil conditions or in industrial composting within 180 days, leaving behind no harmful residues

Greenomers is backyard compostable, meaning it will completely biodegrade in natural soil environment, without any induced conditions, in 180 days, while leaving behind only carbon dioxide, water and compost!

The Plastic Problem

Water Pollution
Soil Pollution
Air Pollution



Creating A Better World

In 2022,  175 countries agreed to create a UN treaty based on legally binding global rules to end plastic pollution by 2024,  as part of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The resolution addresses the full life cycle of plastic, with a focus on  reducing plastic waste, especially packaging waste, and encouraging circular systems 

Our Innovation

Greenomers Granules

Two grades available for varying applications:

           Water soluble                              in five minutes                             Soil compostable in                               180 days 
  • Not only does not leave behind any harmful residues, but also adds compost
  • Does not require changes to existing plastic machinery
  • Offers a competitive pricing structure,  similar to virgin plastic
  • Has lower melting points compared to plastic, consuming less
    electricity during production

Water Soluble Granules Test

Soil degradable Granules

GreenoBag Strength Test

Our Patented Process

Sources of Starch

Product Range

Comparative Analysis

Price Competitiveness


Contact Us

Greenomers Pvt Ltd

Let's Beautify Your Garden Together!

Questions & Answers

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Use this space to answer the commonly asked question you’ve mentioned above. Make sure your answer is accurate and understandable by your users. Although you need to keep this short, your answer should contain all the details to match your user expectations.

Use this space to answer the commonly asked question you’ve mentioned above. Make sure your answer is accurate and understandable by your users. Although you need to keep this short, your answer should contain all the details to match your user expectations.

Let's Bring Nature Into Your Lovely House


Yes. The products made from our pellets feel identical to plastic, however they are made of food grade materials.

Our products can be used in the following ways:

Packaging industry: Single use biodegradable plastic bags, shrink wraps, bottles and more

Disposable products: Straws, spoons, cups, plates gloves

Agriculture: Mulching roll, nursery bags and more

Yes. Our pellets are made of starch derived from corn/ tapioca/ sugar canes and potatoes, and vegetable oil derivatives. The products made from it are not only biodegradable, but they also do not harm the soil and living organisms once decomposed.

It takes 180 days for products made from our pellets to biodegrade when they are in contact with soil.

Yes. You can use our pellets in your existing plastic machinery as is, or with minor customizations. Please feel free to connect with our technical team to discuss any queries (redirect to contact us page).

The MFI of the pellets depends on their grades. The MFIs vary from 0.3–15 grams/10 minutes.

Processing temperatures for our pellets depends on the capacity of your machinery and your product requirements. For a better understanding, please connect with our technical team (redirect to contact us page).

It is possible to use our pellets without drying, but it is better to use dried granules.

Please write to us at sales@greenomers.com for pricing information.

Please write to us at sales@greenomers.com for order placement, or click the Whatsapp icon at the bottom right of the page.